A dark tale of a man who probably killed his mother by mistake, but accuses his father. Writing his memoirs, Spider describes how his long-suffering mother discovered his father in the shed with a prostitute, and details the disturbing consequences.
Territories: World: Bloomsbury Publishing
Catalan: Ediciones de la Magrana
Chinese: China Times Publishing (Taiwan)
Dutch: Prometheus (Netherland)
French: Calmann-Levy
French: Editions Gallimard (France)
German: Berlin Verlag
Greek: Psichogios Publications Ltd
Italian: Bompiani (Italy)
Italian: Mondolibri S.p.A.
Italian: R L Libri
Japanese: Hayakawa Publishing, Inc.
Norwegian: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag ASA
Polish: Wydawnictwo C&
T Pawel Marszalek
Portuguese: Companhia Das Letras (Brasil)
Portuguese: Editorial Presenca (Portugal)
Russian: Toymania Publishers
Spanish: Grupo Editorial Random House Mondadori SL