Kevin Tsang

Kevin Tsang was born in Copenhagen in 1987 to Hong Kong Chinese parents and was raised in Atlanta, Georgia. He's lived and worked in the US, Australia, Hong Kong, and is currently based in London. Kevin is the co-author of the young fiction series Sam Wu is not Afraid, which he writes with his wife, author Katie Tsang (nee Katherine Webber). Their next middle-grade series is published by Simon & Schuster and the first book Dragon Realm series entered the bestseller list after just a week on sale and was the Waterstones Children's Book of the Month for September 2020.
Twitter: @kevtsang
Instagram: @kevgtsang
Books in order of publication:
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Ghosts! (2018)
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Sharks! (2018)
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of the Dark! (2019)
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Spiders! (2019)
Sam Wu is NOT Afraid of Zombies! (2020)
Dragon Mountain (2020)
'First Flight,' The Book of Hopes (2020)
Dragon Legend (2021)
Dragon City (2021)
Dragon Rising (2022)
Space Blasters: Suzie Saves The Universe (2022)
Dragon Destiny (2022)
All About Lunar New Year: Things to Make and Do (2022)
Space Blasters: Suzie and the Moon Bugs (2023)
A Dragon Realm Adventure (2023)
Infinity's Secret (Dragon Force Vol 1) (2023)
Devourer's Attack (Dragon Force Vol 2) (2024)