Diarmaid Ferriter

Dr Diarmaid Ferriter is a historian and broadcaster. He lectures in Irish and international history at St Patrick’s College, Dublin City University. He has published extensively on nineteenth and twentieth century Irish history. His books include A Nation of Extremes: The Pioneers in Twentieth Century Ireland, Lovers of Liberty? Local Government in Twentieth Century Ireland, The Irish Famine (with Colm Tóibín), the bestseller The Transformation of Ireland 1900-2000, What if? Alternative views of Twentieth Century Ireland and Judging Dev: A Reassessment of the Life and Legacy of Eamon de Valera. A regular broadcaster with RTE Radio and television, and a contributor to newspapers including The Irish Times, Irish Examiner and Sunday Business Post, he is the presenter of RTE Radio One's weekly history programme What if? He was awarded an Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) fellowship for the academic year 2006-7. His research interests include the social, cultural and political history of twentieth century Ireland, women's history and the history of sexuality. In 2009 Profile published Occasions of Sin: Sex and Society in Modern Ireland. This was followed by Ambiguous Republic: Ireland in the 1970s, A Nation and not a Rabble: The Irish Revolution 1913-23, The Border and most recently, Between Two Hells.