Hanna Nordenhök

Hanna Nordenhök started out as an acclaimed poet but has in recent years captivated readers with her dark and ravishing novels. Her work has been awarded and shortlisted for a number of prestigious literary awards, Caesaria (2020) scooped Swedish Radios Novel Prize and was shortlisted for VI:s Literature Prize and her most recent novel, Wonderland (2023), was shortlisted both for VI:s Literature Prize and The Eyvind Johnson Prize as well as listed among The Best Books of The Year in Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Borås Tidning, Hufvudstadsbladet and ETC Magazine. Hanna Nordenhök has also been awarded the Madeleine Gustafsson Prize for her literary criticism and praised for her translations from the Spanish, of writers such as Alia Trabucco Zerán, Samantha Schweblin and Aurora Venturini.