AJ MacKenzie

AJ MacKenzie is the pseudonym of Marilyn Livingstone and Morgen Witzel, an Anglo-Canadian husband-and-wife writing duo. Together and separately they are the authors of more than twenty-five non-fiction books and several series of novels, including the Harcastle and Chaythor mysteries, tales of smuggling and espionage set on Romney Marsh during the French Revolution, and the War of 1812 series featuring Canadian militia captain John MacLea. Their latest series of thrillers features Simon Merrivale, herald to the Prince of Wales, and is set during the early years of the Hundred Years War.
Twitter: @ajmacknovels
Website: ajmackenzienovels.com
Books in order of publication:
The Body on the Doorstep (2016)
The Body in the Ice (2017)
The Body in the Boat (2019)
Invasion (2019)
The Hunt for the North Star (2019)
The Ballad of John MacLea (2019)
By Treason We Perish (2023)