Michel Laub

Represented in association with Companhia Das Letras
Michel Laub was born in Porto Alegre in 1973. A writer and journalist, he has published four novels, all through Companhia das Letras: Música Anterior (Anterior Music), 2001; Longe da Água (Far from the Water), 2004, also released in Argentina; O Segundo Tempo (The Second Half), 2006; and O Gato Diz Adeus (Cat's Farewell), 2009. He is a winner of the Erico Verissimo/Revelation prize, conferred by the Brazilian Writers’ Union, and was twice short-listed for the Jabuti and Portugal Telecom awards, among others. His works have been published in Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the UK.