Daniel Galera

Represented in association with Companhia Das Letras
Daniel Galera was born in Sao Paulo in 1979. He wrote and edited literary websites, was one of the founders of an influential independent publishing house, Livros do Mal. He has published a collection of short stories and three novels, two of which have been shortlisted for the Jabuti Prize, including Maos de Cavalo (The Shape of Bones). He wrote a highly acclaimed graphic novel Cachalote, in association with Rafael Coutinho and his second novel Blood-Soaked Beard (Barba Ensopada De Sangue) was published by Companhia das Letras in late 2012 and met with great critical and commercial success. His work has appeared in Freeman’s and he was included in Freeman’s Future of New Writing issue which announced a global list of writers ‘whose works boldly paves the way of the future’. His most recent novel, Twenty After Midnight (Meia-Note e Vinte) was published by Penguin US in 2020 in a translation by Julia Sanches. He is translated into twelve languages.
Daniel Galera lives in Porto Alegre in Brazil.