Alex Bollen

Alex is a seasoned researcher who was director at leading research agency Ipsos MORI before going freelance. She is highly experienced in both qualitative and quantitative research and her published work includes studies on cyber security skills and public attitudes to carbon capture and storage.
She has also run postnatal groups for new mothers in South West London for more than a decade. She trained as a Postnatal Practitioner for the NCT, the UK's largest parenting charity, when her second child was a few months old. She has written, edited and reviewed content for the NCT. Her research overview on supporting women in the transition to motherhood is a set text for the NCT's/University of Worcester's "Birth and Beyond" degree.
Alex's first book, Motherdom: Breaking Free of Bad Science and Good Mother Myths, which exposes how science and nature have been weaponised against women, is forthcoming from Verso.