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Millie van Grutten

Literary Agent

I work as an agent with a particular interest in illustrators, picture books and chapter books. One of my earliest memories is reading Lauren Child’s Clarice Bean – I adored seeing Clarice Bean tucked up in the airing cupboard amongst the knickers and socks whilst reading her comics and escaping her wonderfully eccentric family. Little did I know that one day I would have the enormous pleasure and privilege of working in the world of children’s book writing and illustration. Narrative in both text and illustration have always been important to me. My degree was in Classics and I love the great stories of Virgil and Homer and to me there’s no better example of narrative than the ancients – packed with suspense, jammed with emotion and all within the perfect structure. It’s these sort of qualities I look for in both illustrations and texts – so not much to live up to then…

I relish the opportunity to champion the work of illustrators and authors alike – and to fight for their space on the bestselling shelves.

Owing to the number of submissions I receive, I am afraid I am not currently able to respond individually unless to discuss an author’s work further. Please take a lack of response after eight weeks as a decline, with grateful thanks for the opportunity to consider your work.

Her email address is

Twitter: @MillievnGrutten

