Susannah Clapp

Susannah Clapp is the literary executor for Angela Carter and Bruce Chatwin, and is the author of With Chatwin, an acclaimed portrait of Bruce Chatwin. She helped to found the London Review of Books, has worked as a publisher’s reader and editor, as the radio critic of the Sunday Times and as the theatre critic of the New Statesman. She has reviewed novels and non-fiction for the Times Literary Supplement, the New Yorker, the Sunday Times, the Observer, the London Review of Books, the New Statesman and the Independent on Sunday. She was the theatre critic of Radio 3’s Nightwaves from 1994 to 2013, and has been the theatre critic of the Observer since 1997. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
A Card From Angela Carter, published by Bloomsbury in February 2012, is her unique and dazzling portrait of her friend Angela Carter, told through the series of postcards Angela sent her over the years.