Claire Wilson

Literary Agent
Claire Wilson joined RCW Literary Agency in 2007, having previously worked in publishing sales and rights, and became a director in 2015. She now looks after an eclectic list of prizewinning and bestselling children’s, YA and adult authors. She is always open to submissions, and is drawn to strong voices, compelling concepts, and humour.
Claire is currently the President of the Association of Authors’ Agents. She was awarded Literary Agent of the Year at the British Book Awards in 2023.
Claire's submissions should be sent to her associate via email, with a one page synopsis, a brief bio, and the first three chapters. Due to the volume of submissions received, Claire is not currently able to respond individually unless to discuss an author’s work further. Please take a lack of response after eight weeks as a decline, with our grateful thanks for the opportunity to consider your work.
Her associate is Safae El-Ouahabi at
Twitter: @cmlwilson
Clients Include:
Mariam Ansar
Alexander Armstrong
Katy Ashworth
Kiera Azar
Cerrie Burnell
Aisha Bushby
Tanya Byrne
Joseph Coelho
Sam Copeland
Catherine Doyle
Tom Easton
Dorothy Edwards, Estate of
Joseph Elliott
Femi Fadugba
Aingeala Flannery
Aisling Fowler
Moïra Fowley
Magenta Fox
Zana Fraillon
Francesca Gibbons
Hannah Gold
Sally Green
Anna James
Wren / Lauren James
Rachel Chivers Khoo
L.D. Lapinski
Patrice Lawrence
G. M. Linton
Michelle Magorian
Manjeet Mann
Tamzin Merchant
Ross Montgomery
Jack Noel
Joanne O'Connell
Marie O'Hare
Tọlá Okogwu
Alice Oseman
Tomi Oyemakinde
Vincent Ralph
Clare Rees
Katherine Rundell
Melinda Salisbury
Kate Sawyer
Marcus Sedgwick, Estate of
Carlie Sorosiak
Amelia Tait
Mel Taylor-Bessent
Katie Thistleton
Pari Thomson
Katherine Webber Tsang
Kevin Tsang
Mary Watson
Wiz Wharton
Pete Jordi Wood
Louise Yates